New Version VHF UHF MMDVM Hotspot Pi-Star Support P25 DMR YSF for Raspberry Pi with Antenna E4-008
New Version VHF UHF MMDVM Hotspot Pi-Star Support P25 DMR YSF for Raspberry Pi with Antenna E4-008
new pi4b need remove R1 Resistor.
Technical support website:
Selling point : Our simplex and duplex systems all use an offset of 0, which is our duplex system. Regardless of simplex or duplex, the offset is 0.
We are using high-precision temperature compensated crystals, so it is 0
We use high cost TCXO crystal with extremely low bit error rate, offset of 0,
and frequency error of 0
STM32_MMDVM_HS HAT Rev1.7 Guide
1.Hardware add (SDA,SCL)R20,R21 Connect stm32 i2c 2 bus to OLED,and raspi. oled message pwr on without RPI using mmdvm_hs custom fw,and i2c 2 bus.
2.Support i2c communition with raspi
Setting For Pi-star software and raspberry hardware (rpi 0-3) new pi4b need remove R1 Resistor.
Controller Mode:Simplex Node
Radio Frequency : Freq:144-148,219-225,(Main Band)420-475,842-950
Radio/Modem Type:STM32-DVM(GPIO)
Quick start: image write it to card
2.insert card to rpi
3.wait to boot 5 minutes connect wifi Pi-star-setup pass raspberry
5.set freq ,dmr id ,dmr mode,add home's wifi ssid...
Default Username: pi-star
Default Password: raspberry
to support i2c communication change MMDVM_HS code(by Andy Uribe CA6JAU)->Config.h
// Host communication selection:
//#define STM32_USART1_HOST
//#define STM32_USB_HOST
#define STM32_I2C_HOST
to disable i2c 2 to raspi and oled just remove R20,R21
update new FW: (pi-star / expert / ssh access / user :pi-star pass:raspberry)
sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_hat
ps:update new FW no oled pwr on message.
mode info pls visit
· Fully tested
· Supports DMR, P-25, D-Star and System Fusion
· Onboard LEDs to show status (Tx, Rx, PTT, Mode)
· Up to 10mW RF power
· SMA antenna connector, Antenna included
· Mounts cleanly on all current Raspberry Pi's including the Pi Zero
· The firmware is pre-loaded and is easily upgraded via software.
· Open source 3D printable case available
not include the raspberry pi
The latest firmware is pre-loaded